Elastic Beanstalk in GOlang!
- You can download the binary directly and use it
- You can download the docker images and use it (see at the very bottom for instructions)
Create Application
./bin/ebd create application -a <app-name>
Optional Args:
-r <aws-region>
Create Environment
./bin/ebd create environment -a <env_name> -e <env-name> -t <tier> -b <s3-bucket/s3-folder> -c <config-file> -l v1
Optional Args:
-r <aws-region>
-p <aws-profile>
Update Environment
./bin/ebd update environment -a <env_name> -e <env-name> -t <tier> -b <s3-bucket/s3-folder> -l v1
Optional Args:
-r <aws-region>
-p <aws-profile>
List Application
./bin/ebd list applications
Optional Args:
-r <aws-region>
Optional Args:
List Environments
./bin/ebd list environments
Optional Args:
-a <app-name>
-r <aws-region>
Delete Application
./bin/ebd delete application -a <app-name>
Optional Args:
-r <aws-region>
Delete Environment
./bin/ebd delete environment -a <app-name> -e <env-name> -t <worker>
Four things are required:
- the docker image
docker pull kotowick/go-deploy:latest
- environment variables
export APP_NAME='' # the Elastic Beanstalk Application Name export ENV_NAME='' # the Elastic Beanstalk environment Name export ENV_TIER='' # can either be (worker | webserver) export ENV_S3_BUCKET_LOCATION='//' # example - S3 location to upload the version (.zip) export ENV_CONFIG_PATH='/tmp/vpc9838983.yml' # example - config settings for EB itself export ENV_LOCAL_FILE_PREFIX='/tmp' # can be anywhere, but has to match the VOLUME_PATH variable in the command to run the container export AWS_REGION="" export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="" export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="" export ENV_VERSION_LABEL="v1.0" # same name as the zip file
These can either be set when running the container (using -e options)
, or by having a *.env
file under the VOLUME_PATH
. The container will source
any *.env
files located under ENV_LOCAL_FILE_PREFIX
- EB config file (contains settings for the EB env itself.. such as
VPC ID, subnets...
) - the
of the file you wantdeploy
if the version is v1.0, then a .zip file must match that name under ENV_LOCAL_FILE_PREFIX (listed above)
The startup command for this container is go-deploy upsert
, which creates resoursed if they don’t exist, and updates them if they do exist.
Run the container
docker run -v /local/path/to/versions_folder:/tmp -e VOLUME_PATH="/tmp" -it kotowick/go-deploy:latest